Introducing New methods to earn online money

Monday 16 March 2020




I am not a health expert, however, I wanted to write a post about how the coronavirus affected e-commerce. coronavirus and this particular strain called Covid19 started Wuhan china in December 2019. And it is now been 135 countries across the globe and 5393 peoples died from it in today the spreading of the virus in China is reducing, but the virus is rapidly spreading in Europe. and you can get more information about coronavirus, how to protect your self and how does it affect different countries make sure to go to the WHO (World Health Organization) website.

So, what do these mean in terms of business?

China has the second-largest economy in the world, and they have more than 48 million people lockdowns since the coronavirus start to spread in January 2020. So the locked down people can not buy anything or get any services. and they cannot go to work and produce the goods so that is a massive impact on the economy

Because of this, there are huge drops in the stock exchanges in countries all over the world so that can prove how much potential coronavirus has shut down the global economy. In today it affects the main industrial countries in the world China, Korea, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Iran, the USA, etc..

Most of the online stores are stop their businesses in temporary. And also companies like Apple, Microsoft are closed their shops and service further notice centers in various countries in the world. Most of their hard were parts are manufactured in china. And some of their employees allow working from home.

When we considering e-commerce there can be various effects on e-commerce because of coronavirus. Most manufactures and suppliers are Chinese, So then they should be definitely affected by this field. Especially on Dropshipping. China is a big country also the upper mention countries most of the e-commerce businesses are happening in those countries. When coronavirus affects those countries, the buyers are reducing. Because people have something to take care of other than buying something.

Freelancers also can be effect by this, because of no buyers no orders. So maybe at least a few weeks freelancers may not get many orders. 

If you are interested in donating money to fight back against coronavirus you can go to this link and donate money.

So this is the end of this post, I think this must be helpful for you, Stay safe.



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